Friday, February 8, 2019

Cold War Essay -- essays research papers

War is unremarkably associated with destruction and death to fetch up a conflict or somewhat sort ofdisagreement but that is not always the case. After initiation War II the United States and the SovietUnion began a contend that would span decades yet there would be no direct action between the twonations. This time is called the Cold war because of its lack of employment between just the twonations. Even though it was never the soviets verse line the Ameri lavatorys the Soviets often fought theAmericans. What could have went so horribly wrong that two nations who at one point werefighting on the same side can suddenly disagree so violently that they tending others to fight individuallyother? The reasons are many and in-depth but it all started at the end of World war II.When the smoke cleared after the last involvement of World War II two powers arose. One a elective society the other a collectiveic society neither absentminded one to be better than the other. Central Europe, mainly Germany, was the center of the misgiving at the end of the war. Thereason that Germany became such a volatile orbital cavity is because the Soviets controlled one half whilethe Allies controlled the other and neither was involuntary to cooperate with the other. As Germanywas being divided most of the other European countries were suffering and in need of aid.The United States gave as much aid as they could but there was no possible way to take overeveryone. All over south eastern Europe Communist and socialist parties were rising and gainingpower blam...

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