Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Kant: Goodness :: essays research papers

Kant GoodnessThe philosopher I used is Immanuel Kant. He was very practical in histhinking of rock-steadyness. A quote of his was "I ought, therefore I shag". His viewwas good anything is under good leave alone . He believed good depart was the specialgoodness, good in its purest form, and that it couldnt be bollix uped. Goodfeelings and good intentions and actions can be interpreted in different waysman can corrupt these things into shabbiness...even though it still might be good inthat mans eyes. What hes authentically trying to say is that good will is good inits documental form. Therefore, it defines goodness. A few examples of forms ofgoodness that could be corrupt are intelligence, courage, and resolution.These things can be very good, but can be used for evil as intimately.The short story I would like to allude to in order to connect thesethemes and ideas is "A Good Man is Hard to recall". The title even has "good" init...and according to Ka nt, goodness in its purest form is good will. Thequestion now would be, does the Misfit have good will? Is what he is doing good,objectively, and purely? He is purging and purifying the world. He is delivery boylike in many senses. He is purifying the world by purging it of itsevil...relating to the Old Testament. God decided that the human race was tooevil to survive, so he flooded it. God killed, as well as the Misfit. Thisisnt the same as Christ, though it average adds to the religious element.Christs electric charge was to try and rid the world of evil, and sacrificed for it.The Misfit sacrificed his freedom initially, was "reborn" again by escapingfrom jail, and become a Christ like figure again...hes now reborn, and hisdelegation has an even stronger exclamation point on it, just like Christs afterwardshe was resurrected. The literal differences are obvious Christ never heldanyone at gunpoint, let alone kill old ladies (no matter HOW hateful). But theallusions pr eceding(prenominal) illustrate that the Misfit was indeed a Christ-like figure withgood intentions good will . The Misfit was in a world of evil where he feltit was his mission, as well as his intention and his will, to be the savior ofthe good people.When it genuinely comes to good will, I believe that the Misfit did havegood will and that, in a world such as his, the South, he was not just playingGod, but his will was forcing him to be God to judge the "infidels".

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